Monday, 9 April 2012

Art Gallery Context Video

This two videos that you are about to watch were done for Art and Creativity 4 at Foundation Visual Arts & Design Program in VFS.

We had to do some videos for an Art Gallery context so it had to keep looping.

The first one its a criticism about the war in Iraq and we wanted to make fun of "Mr. Bush".

The second one (the one I act) is about the memories that come to our head when we are about to die.

I directed and edited the two videos.

The music in both videos are not mine, so if you want to know the artists please let me know.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Stencil Art

I did this paitings with aerosol paint and acrylic paint. I criticize the useless war against the drug lords in Mexico. I Have more paintings that I will unpload next time.

One More Classic Animation

This is one more animation that I did for my Classic Animation Class.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

More drawings!!!!

This drawing is from term 2. We had to draw three different things that relate to ourselves and things that we like. Get your conclution.

And this drawing is from term 3 in which we had to draw our alter ego.


Today`s video is one animation that I did for my Motion Final Assigment. It is an animation against the war that is going on in México against the "Drug Lords". I wanted to add more things, but it had to be just 30 seconds. The music and some pictures are not mine.
